
Core Conditioning and Flexibility

Goal: Strengthen the core muscles for better stability and improve flexibility.

Recommended Pre Workout: JYM Supplement Science Pre JYM

Goal: Strengthen the core muscles for better stability and improve flexibility.

Cardio Warm-Up (Optional):

  • 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching or light cardio to warm up the body, focusing on movements that engage the core.


  • Lie on your back and perform crunches, lifting your shoulders off the ground.
  • Equipment: None (bodyweight).
  • Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 15 reps.

Plank with Side Rotation:

  • Start in a plank position, rotate your body to one side lifting one arm, and alternate.
  • Equipment: None (bodyweight).
  • Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 10 reps per side.

Leg Raises:

  • Lie on your back and raise your legs straight up, then lower them without touching the floor.
  • Equipment: None (bodyweight).
  • Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 12 reps.

Yoga or Pilates:

  • Engage in a 15-minute session focusing on movements that enhance flexibility and core strength.
  • Equipment: Yoga mat.
  • Duration: 15 minutes.

Indoor Cardio Activity (Optional):

  • 15-20 minutes of a low-intensity activity like a gentle cycle on a stationary bike or a leisurely swim.

Recommended Post Workout: Post JYM Active Matrix

This workout is designed to enhance core strength and flexibility and should be completed within a 30-45 minute window.

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