List Contents of ZIP File in Python

Currently, I am experiencing technical limitations that prevent me from processing the file you’ve uploaded. However, I can guide you through the process of listing the contents of a ZIP file using Python.

To list the contents of a ZIP file using Python, you can use the `zipfile` module. Follow the steps below:

1. Install Python if you haven’t already from the [official Python website](
2. You can create a new Python script using a text editor or use the Python interactive shell.
3. Here’s a small Python script that you can use to list the contents of a ZIP file:

import zipfile

# Replace ‘’ with the path to your zip file
zip_file_path = ‘’

# Open the ZIP file
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, ‘r’) as zip_ref:
# List the contents of the ZIP file
for file_info in zip_ref.infolist():

Make sure to replace `’’` with the path to the ZIP file you want to list the contents of.

You can run this script from the command line by saving it as a `.py` file and running `python`, or you can run the commands directly in the Python interactive shell.

If you would like me to attempt processing your file directly or guide you further, please let me know.