
Mobility and Core Activation Session

Goal: To increase lower body flexibility and improve core stability through dynamic mobility exercises and anti-rotational core activation.

Daily Benefits: Today’s mobility work will loosen tight muscles, improve your range of motion, and enhance your functional day-to-day movement. Core activation exercises will help stabilize your midsection, which is critical for posture and injury prevention.

Cardio Warmup Exercises:

  • Spot Jogging
    Instructions: Jog in place, bringing your knees up slightly and maintaining a steady pace.
    Equipment used: None
    Duration: 3 minutes
    Muscles worked: Calves, hamstrings, quadriceps

  • Butt Kicks
    Instructions: While jogging in place, kick your heels up towards your glutes.
    Equipment used: None
    Duration: 2 minutes
    Muscles worked: Hamstrings, glutes

Warmup Stretching Exercises:

  • Leg Swings
    Instructions: Hold onto a wall or chair for support, swing one leg forward and back, then side to side.
    Equipment used: Wall or chair

  • Hip Circles
    Instructions: Place hands on hips, stand on one leg and move the other in a circular motion, then switch legs.
    Equipment used: None

Main Exercises:

  • Walking Spiderman
    Instructions: Begin in a forward lunge position, bring your hands to the floor, step your back foot forward, then repeat with the other leg.
    Equipment used: None
    Duration: 3 sets of 10 reps per side
    Muscles worked: Hip flexors, hamstrings, core
    Instructional video:

  • Tall-Kneeling Overhead Pallof Press
    Instructions: Kneel with both knees on the ground, hold a resistance band or cable, extend arms overhead, and resist the rotational force.
    Equipment used: Resistance band or cable
    Duration: 3 sets of 12 reps per side
    Muscles worked: Core, shoulders, triceps
    Instructional video:


  • Walking Cooldown
    Instructions: Walk at a slow, relaxed pace for 5-10 minutes, allowing your heart rate to gradually decrease.

Post-Workout Stretching Exercises:

  • Seated Forward Fold
    Instructions: Sit with legs extended forward, reach toward your toes, keeping your back as straight as possible.
    Equipment used: None

  • Lying Glute Stretch
    Instructions: Lie on your back, cross one ankle over the opposite knee, and pull the thigh towards you.
    Equipment used: None

Stay committed to this Mobility and Core Activation Session to maintain fluid motion and core strength. Regular practice will significantly contribute to your physical health and overall fitness.