**Sweat It Out: Dynamic Full-Body Routine**

### Full Body Workout – Day 2

#### Warm-Up
1. **Bird Dog**
– **Video URL**: [Bird Dog](https://vimeo.com/111048715)
– **Instructions**:
– This is a reciprocal movement, so the left arm and right leg move at once, and vice versa.
– While kneeling on all-fours, exhale fully and feel your oblique abs lock your ribs down.
– Keep your abs tightly braced to hold this ribs-down position and tuck your tailbone under.
– While holding this position, reach your arm straight forward and your opposite leg straight behind you.
– Keep your abs tight and do not let your ribs flare or arch your lower back as you lock out your shoulder blade and opposite-side glute.

2. **Hip Flexor Stretch**
– **Video URL**: [Hip Flexor Stretch](https://vimeo.com/111241987)
– **Instructions**:
– Kneel with one knee forward.
– Exhale your ribs down, brace your abs and tuck your tailbone under.
– Contract your trailing-leg glute.
– Shift your hips forward without arching your back, flaring your ribs, or extending your tailbone back behind you.

#### Strength Training
3. **Barbell Deadlift**
– **Video URL**: [Barbell Deadlift](https://vimeo.com/111040676)
– **Instructions**:
– Begin with your abs tightly braced and your ribs pulled downward. Think of tucking your tailbone between your knees to keep your lower back from arching too much.
– Lower to the bar while pushing your hips back and loading a light stretch into your hamstrings.
– Keep your weight on your heels, your feet straight forward, your knees straight over your little toes, and abs braced.
– Pull upward while maintaining good positioning (knees straight forward, neutral spine, weight through heels).
– Keep your abs locked and ribs down at the top.

4. **Goblet Squat**
– **Video URL**: [Goblet Squat](https://vimeo.com/111129796)
– **Instructions**:
– Begin with your abs tightly braced and your ribs pulled downward. Think of tucking your tailbone between your knees to keep your lower back from arching too much.
– Lower down with your weight in your heels, your feet straight forward, your knees straight over your little toes, and abs braced.
– Squat upward while maintaining good positioning with your knees straight forward, neutral spine, weight through heels.

#### Accessory Work
5. **Dumbbell Bench Press**
– **Video URL**: [Dumbbell Bench Press](https://vimeo.com/111113503)
– **Instructions**:
– Keep your shoulder blades packed tightly together and down at the bottom of each rep.
– Only lower as far as you can without popping your shoulder capsule forward or losing stability, then press back up.

6. **Bent-Over Dumbbell Row**
– **Video URL**: [Bent-Over Dumbbell Row](https://vimeo.com/111048714)
– **Instructions**:
– Keep your ribs down and abs tight so that you don’t arch your lower back too much.
– Pull the weight back, finishing with your shoulder blade locked inward and down.
– Don’t let your shoulder capsule shift forward at the finish of the movement.
– Let your shoulder blade stretch forward as you lower the weight.

#### Core Work
7. **Plank**
– **Video URL**: [Plank](https://vimeo.com/111471004)
– **Instructions**:
– Lock your ribs down with your abs.
– Tuck your tailbone between your knees.
– Do not let your lower back sag.

8. **Hanging Unilateral March**
– **Video URL**: [Hanging Unilateral March](https://vimeo.com/111160039)
– **Instructions**:
– Pull your shoulders down toward your back pockets.
– Pull the front of your pelvis toward your ribs like a reverse crunch and tuck your tailbone under.
– Hold this pelvic tilt while pulling one knee toward your chest and simultaneously squeezing your opposite glute.
– Don’t allow your lower back to arch.

#### Cool Down
9. **Pigeon Stretch**
– **Video URL**: [Pigeon Stretch](https://vimeo.com/111471001)
– **Instructions**:
– Place rear foot on bench.
– Lower to one knee.
– Keep ribs down, tailbone tucked under, and lumbar spine slightly flexed.

10. **Cross-Body Lat Mobilization**
– **Video URL**: [Cross-Body Lat Mobilization](https://vimeo.com/111109108)
– **Instructions**:
– Keep your abs braced and your ribs down so that your back doesn’t arch during the movement.
– Cross your body to the side until you feel a stretch in the side of your torso.